User login |
Whois |
Domain price |
gr |
€ 10.00 |
åë |
€ 10.00 |
eu |
€ 17.85 |
com |
€ 17.02 |
net |
€ 17.85 |
org |
€ 21.77 |
biz |
€ 28.23 |
de |
€ 14.88 |
co |
€ 40.32 |
tel |
€ 22.58 |
ru |
€ 29.76 |
es |
€ 18.55 |
uk |
€ 13.71 |
| |
€ 10.00 |
| |
€ 41.13 |
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€ 10.00 |
| |
€ 10.00 |
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€ 10.00 |
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€ 10.00 |
| |
€ 15.32 |
| |
€ 32.26 |
1. Introduction The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), according to the law Í.3431/2006 and the Decisions numbered (351/76 of 20/05/2005) and (353/185/17-8-2005), is responsible for Domain Name registrations. The Registry for the [.gr] Domain Names (GR-Hostmaster), a department of the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH-ICS), as decided by a call for tender issued by the EETT, has assumed the operation and maintenance of the [.gr] Top Level Domain. FORTH-ICS registered and started operating the [.gr] Top Level Domain in 1989, and has employed its experience to create a new infrastructure which implements the schema Registry-Registrar-User for Domain Name registrations. For this implementation, a widely used protocol in Registry applications has been chosen, called Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP). EPP is is an open protocol approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Usage of this EPP protocol allows the connection of Registrars with the Registry, through applications supplied by the Registry as well as through applications developed by the Registrars to better serve their Registrants. During the development process of the Registry tools, special attention was paid to the ability to register and manage Domain Names with native Greek characters. As a result, since July the 4th 2005, 07.00 UTC it is possible to register Greek character Domain Names, such as [üíïìá.gr]. Domain Names in the Registry-Registrars-Users system are registered via Registrars You can click here to see a list of all Registrars to whom you may submit new applications for [.gr] Domain Names. |
2. Registration instructions
For the better organization of the [.gr] Domain Name space, the following sub-domains have been created: (for those engaging in commercial activities) (for educational organizations) (for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and network providers) (for non-profit organizations) (exclusively for governmental organizations) Registering under a sub-domain is not mandatory, but is recommended for organizational reasons.
The procedure to register a Domain Name is as follows: According to the 351/76 (20/05/2005) Decision of the EETT, the Applicant must submit an application for the desired Domain Name with one of [.gr] Registrars. Along with the Domain Name application, the registration fee set out by the Registrar must be paid. The application is submmited electronically by the Registrar to the Registry within one working day, who in turn confirms the submission by returning the applications unique ID which includes the exact submission date and exact time. The registrar provides the Applicant with a confirmation of that application with the above information within one working day's time after the registration application. The Domain Name is automatically checked by the Registry and if it is not a restricted Domain Name, it becomes active within a maximum timeframe of 3 hours. The temporary activation of the Domain Name does not grant the Domain Name applicant any rights over the Domain Name. The EETT examines the application within a period of twenty (20) days from its submission by the registrar to the Registry and proceeds to either accept or reject it.
WARNING: The above description constitutes a simplified description of the procedure and in no way replaces the procedure described in Article 11 of the Decision 351/76 - 20/05/2005 of the EETT. |
3. Which domains are rejected
CHAPTER III (Decision No 351/76 of the EETT - 20/05/2005) INVALID APPLICATIONS – TERMS FOR NON ACCEPTANCE – TERMS FOR DELETION Article 7 Invalid Applications 1.In the following limited cases, an Application shall be considered invalid and shall produce no legal result whatsoever: a. In the case where an application is not completely filled out. b. In the case where the Variable or/and the Non-variable fields of the Domain Name contradicts the provisions set forth in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of article 3 of this present Decision. c. In the case where at the time when an Application is filed, a ‘.gr’ Domain Name identical with the one requested in the Application has already been assigned to another person. d. In the case where at the time when an Application is filed, a ‘.gr’ Domain Name identical with the one requested in the Application has already been reserved for another person pursuant to the meaning given in this present Regulation. e. In the case where the Variable Field of the 2nd level Domain Name requested in the assignment application is a Common Use Domain Name, pursuant to Annex C of this present Decision. f. In the case where the Variable Field of the specific ‘.gr’ Domain Name in question is identical with the Variable Field of an already assigned‘.gr’ Domain Name in which the second level is made up of the “gov” alphanumeric characters.
Article 8 Terms for Rejecting an Assignment Application 1.EETT shall reject an Assignment Application for a '.gr' Domain Name in the following limited cases, which shall constitute absolute reasons for rejection: a. If the Variable Field of a second level Domain Name is identical with a geographic term included in the Kapodistrias plan. A geographic term included in the Kapodistrias plan shall be assigned only to the corresponding Local Government Organizations, pursuant to Annex L of this present Decision. The said restriction is not applicable to the Variable Field of a third level Domain Name. b. If the Variable Field of a second level Domain Name is a country code included in the ISO 3166-1 list of the ISO organization. c. If the '.gr' Domain Name is made up of alphanumeric elements making up a point that is a keyword on the Internet. As an indication, the words 'www' and 'email' are given. d. If the specific '.gr' Domain Name in question is made up of alphanumeric elements making up a point whose Assignment is contrary to public order and good morals. e. If the specific '.gr' Domain Name in question is made up of alphanumeric elements making up a point and official terms of the Greek State and other states referred to in article 6 three of the Paris Convention on Industrial Property, as well as a highly symbolic point, in particular religious symbols and words. f. If the same person files a new Application for a '.gr' Domain Name that has been deleted pursuant to article 9 of this present Decision with the same or another Registrar, without any reason that could justify the new Assignment Application. g. If based on the information found in the assignment application filed pursuant to this present Regulation it is not proven that the Holder has the status corresponding to Holders entitled to the assignment of a Common Use Domain Name pursuant to Annex C of the Regulation, which makes up the Non-variable Field of 3rd level Domain Names. h. If the assignment application has been filed in obvious bad faith. i. In any case where the Registrant has filled out the assignment application, but has not submitted, pursuant to article 11, par. 12, to EETT the documentation proving the applicant’s identity. 2.The aim of provisions 8.1.a, b and c is to prevent the assignment of exclusive rights whose extent is not proportionate to the purpose justifying their Assignment as '.gr' Domain Names, pursuant to this present Decision, and the limitation of the said exclusive rights to the absolutely appropriate degree in order to serve the purpose justifying their Assignment as '.gr' Domain Names, pursuant to this present Decision. |
4. Registration of Domain Names [.gr] In Greek Characters According to the new rules described in the Decision 351/76 (20/05/2005) of the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, the registration of Domain Names in Greek Characters (IDN) is possible under [.gr]. This regulation has been active since the 4th of July, 2005, 07.00 UTC time. A feature of the registration procedure of these IDN domains is the concept of «Bundle». Bundled domains are the domains that differ only in punctuation but are otherwise identical to a main form. Any domain that is a Homograph (a visually matching in the lower or upper case domain regardless of the script language) of the original registration may also become part of the Bundle. Domain names that could be registered in each bundle are not automatically registered for the registrant but are instead excluded from the list of available domain names until this particular registrant decides to "Activate" one or more of them. The registrant may apply for domain name activation through the registrar of the original domain name registration. The activation cost is determined by on the registrar. Domain names that are in the same bundle are automatically redirected by the .gr zone to the nameservers of the domain name's main form. An option is available for the registrant who wants to activate one or more of the bundled names as a normal domain name. For more info on the Domain Names in Greek characters please contact your [.gr] Registrar, the [.gr] Registry through the e-mail addresses or the Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission, e-mail:, tel. +30 210-6151000)
Notice: The Domain names in Greek characters are used in many browsers without the need to add any plug-in. For the users of Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6) it is necessary to install a plug-in. Please read the article in International Domain Names (IDNs) are supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer 7. | |
of domain names gr, åë, eu, com, net, org, biz, de, co, tel, ru, es, uk,,,,,,,,,, info,,,,,, name,,, cc, nl, tv,, sx,, bz,, mobi, asia, us,, cn, me,, ws, in, mn,, pro,,, pw,,, xxx,,,,
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