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Domain price Domain price
  gr € 10.00  
  ελ € 10.00  
  eu € 17.85  
  com € 17.02  
  net € 17.85  
  org € 21.77  
  biz € 28.23  
  de € 14.88  
  co € 40.32  
  tel € 22.58  
  ru € 29.76  
  es € 18.55  
  uk € 13.71 € 10.00 € 41.13 € 10.00 € 10.00 € 10.00 € 15.32 € 10.00 € 32.26  
Prices taken from pricelist 1, are for one year domain registration and does not include tax 24%
Support: Knowledge Base: Domain Names .gr
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1. What is a Domain Name?
A Domain Name is a mnemonic way to identify an Internet site. The extension of the Domain Name can also help locate the "geographic region" to which the Domain Name belongs. Thus, for the [.gr] Domain Name space the actual mnemonic term will be "" and we may visit the website using a web browser and typing in the address".
2. What is a nameserver?
A nameserver is an Internet host running software capable of processing DNS requests.
3. What is a registrar?
A natural or legal person who may act on behalf of a Registrant regarding Domain Name requests or modifications.
4. What is a registrant?
The Domain Name Registrant is the legal holder of a Domain Name registration.
5. What is the Registry?
It is a database containing all the assigned Domain Names [.gr] and applications. From this database, the zone file for .gr is created daily and loaded in the primary and secondary nameservers.
6.What is the password of a Domain Name?
The Password for a Domain Name is a combination of characters which secure the authentication for the Domain Name Registrant and allow for the Domain Name administration.
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